Costa Rica – Coope Tarrazu – Quebrada Seca Community Coffee

SAM_2024The Quebrada Seca is a nutty and sweet coffee with notes of stonefruit and hazelnut. It’s has a mild acidity and a medium/full body. It’s an excellent candidate for a more traditional and very flavorful, nutty espresso using a full cityor full city plus roast profile. Due to it’s mild acidity, a lighter roast still allows you a full range of applications.

Coope Tarrazu was founded in 1960 by 228 small farmers with an initial investment of $5.800. Currently the cooperative counts more than 3000 members. 80% of the participants operate a farm small than 4Ha, the way the cooperative processes and markets their coffee is very important for their livelihood. The coop motto is “Solidarity and Sustainability”. The sustainability program involves protecting biodiversity and water quality through their shade and soil management scheme. The cooperative has benefitted the development of the Tarrazu region, by investing in infrastructure and currently operates 55 receiving stations which handle the members coffee production per community. From the receiving stations the ripe berries are transported to the central mill in San Marcos the Tarrazu for processing. These receiving stations are also the crux for this Quabrada Seca community coffee.

CoopeTarrazu produces micro lots by assessing the cup quality of beans from its community receiving stations at peak harvest. Through extensive cupping and quality control, the lots with the highest quality are processed separate from the commercial grade beans to retain the character and taste of one specific coffee farming community and its microclimate. This Quebrada Seca community coffee was produced by 38 farmers around the Quebrada Seca receiving station, in the mountains just south of the Rio Pirris, close to San Carlos.
